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Junior Cycle Maths (Higher Level)
This new revision booklet is a fantastic consolidation resource for Junior Cycle Higher Level Maths students. |
Junior Cycle Maths (Ordinary Level)
This new revision booklet is a fantastic consolidation resource for Junior Cycle Ordinary Level Maths students. |
Leaving Certificate Oral Irish (Higher & Ordinary Level)
Designed with the oral exam specifically in mind, Essentials Unfolded Oral Irish is packed full of key phrases and advice. |
Leaving Certificate Oral Spanish (Higher & Ordinary Level)
This handy and accessible revision booklet will familiarise and prepare each student for his or her Spanish Leaving Certificate Higher or Ordinary Level oral exam. |
Leaving Certificate Oral German (Higher & Ordinary Level)
This concise revision booklet will help students to formulate and plan for their Leaving Certificate Higher or Ordinary Level German oral exam. |
Leaving Certificate Oral French (Higher & Ordinary Level)
Essentials Unfolded Oral French will prove to be particularly beneficial for students doing their Leaving Certificate French oral exam. |