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Oxford School Atlas (CJ Fallon)

A new atlas for children in Irish Primary Schools with up-to-date mapping of Ireland, Europe and the world.
It includes a specially-commissioned eighteen page section devoted to maps of Ireland, presented in Irish and English on opposite pages:

• counties and towns • provinces • mountains, rivers and lakes • islands, inlets, bays and headlands • composite physical features • Ordnance Survey maps (urban and rural).

Other features include:

  • Individual maps of England, Wales, Scotland, European Union, Europe, Spain and Portugal, France and Italy
  • Separate political and physical maps of all continents
  • Individual maps of Canada and the USA
  • Separate sections on atlas literacy and atlas numeracy
  • Indexes of place names, up-to-date country statistics and flags of the world.

Class:  All Classes

Price:   €19.95

ISBN:   9780714419022