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Modern Handwriting 2

Modern Handwriting Book 2 is designed to facilitate the following aspects of the teaching of handwriting:

  • final formal revision of unjoined small and CAPITAL letters
  • tracing and copying of sentences
(1)    with / without starting points for words
(2)    one line / two line sentences
  • introduction of exit strokes, leading to joining of letters and to systematic introduction of almost all joins and exit strokes
  • converting printed words into handwritten formats, using regular and irregular joins
  • introduction of new letter forms required for difficult joins e.g. v, w, o to e and practice of these new joins and of new forms for t, d, p and q
  • tracing / copying of sentences with decreasing guide from starting points, using all joins already practised.

Class:  Second Class

Price:   €9.80

ISBN:   9780714415840