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My First Communion and Penance

My First Communion and Penance – Jesus is my special friend provides a fresh approach in preparing children to receive the Sacraments of First Penance and Holy Communion.

In a colourful and child-friendly manner, this book helps children to understand, prepare for and celebrate these Sacraments in a meaningful and personal way.

  • Revised according to the new edition of the Roman Missal
  • Develops the crucial partnership between home, school and parish
  • Guides the communicant to a deeper awareness and appreciation of God’s love and forgiveness
  • Features a wide range of exercises and activities including
  • The Sacrament of Reconciliation Rites 1 and
  • The Enrolment Ceremony
  • Mass Responses
  • The Enrolment Certificate
  • Mass Hymns
  • First Communion Mass
  • Prayers of the Faithful

Class:  Second Class

Price:   €17.15

ISBN:   9780714417318