Level 3
Level 3 of the test may be administered to pupils who are in the final term of 3rd Class or who are in the first term of 4th Class.
The five key strands of the mathematics curriculum are assessed through 55 separate items. Several of the items have more than a single part so that in total there are 68 scorable items.
The test content is mainly drawn from the mathematics curriculum for 3rd Class and the beginning of 4th Class. However, some material from earlier class levels is included in order to cater for weaker pupils who are taking the test.
The test is easily administered by following the straightforward instructions in the accompanying test manual. The test proper is preceded by a small number of practice items, following which pupils complete the test independently. Although there is no time limit for completion, the typical administration time ranges from 50 to 75 minutes.
In multigrade classrooms, Level 3 may be administered concurrently with other levels of the test.